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Home/Allergic Rhinitis series/ allergic asthma

name:Allergic Asthma(Enhanced)

Price:$ 208.00

allergic asthma(enhanced):methoxyphenamine powder*1+methoxyphenamine capusule*1+deallergy powder*1+inflmmatoryaway capsule*1

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This package mainly applies to dyspnea, chest stress and asthma caused by inhaling cold air, pollen dust and mites.
●Increasing the elasticity of lung vessel, promoting physiological function of pulmonary alveolus and comprehensively improving the oxygen supply system
●Fast restoring damaged tissue, promoting balancing capacity of epithelial cell, lung macrophage and ciliated cell, strengthening the lung tissue to achieve fast elimination  and discharge of sputum and  breath regulation
●Effectively activating antitrypsin and lung elastas, relaxing smooth muscle and eliminating trachea and bronchia spasm
●Activating lymphokine, inhibiting migration and activation of inflammatory cell, repairing mucosa and gradually dissolve the sputum in all places, meanwhile discharging it to prevent accumulation, so as to keep the lung free of sputum.
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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