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Home/Allergic dermatitis series/ atopic dermatitis

name:Atopic Dermatitis(Basic)

Price:$ 138.00

atopic dermatitis(basic):dermatitiscare capsule*1+skin allergy ridded capsule*1+inflmmatoryaway capsule*1

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This package mainly applies to skin flare, pruritus, rash, prick pain, peeling, liquid effusion, scar formation of atopic dermatitis cause by contacting sensitinogens.
★realizing disallergization, improving cell vigor, promoting immunity of human body to sensitinogens, and enhancing anti-oxidation ability of the skin
★improving blood condition, cutting off blood toxicant from the source, ensuring clean blood flow and preventing recurrent cystitis
★blocking the generation of elastase, inhibiting its activity to protect elastin being damaged, so as to restore skin flexibility
★repairing damaged skin, enhancing skin immunity and reducing its sensitivity, meanwhile gradually decrease the dependency on the hormones
★stimulating the formation of immunocytes, increase the level of leucocyte, lymphocyte and platelet, meanwhile promoting the activation of immunocytes and increasing the tolerance of cell to sensitinogens

Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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