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Home/Resist Allergy/ puz® skin allergy ridded capsule

name:Puz® Skin allergy ridded Capsule

Price:$ 58.00

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All the ingredients of Puz® Skin Allergy Ridded Capsule are plant extracts, which do not contain any Western medicine and can eliminate skin itching, redness, pain caused by skin allergies or cosmetics and hair dye, promote the benign circulation and metabolism of skin lesions. It is rich in plant anti-itch ingredients, effectively kills bacteria and inflammation that cause itchy skin, effectively eliminate the itching symptoms and reduce the allergic reaction as well as improve skin immunity.
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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